SQLite CREATE Database in a Specific Location using Open This will give you the list of databases created, and you should see the new database “ SchoolDB.db” listed there: You can ensure that the database is created by writing following SQLite commands:.If you select SQLite file and navigate to the directory: “c:\sqlite”, you will find the file “SchoolDB.db”is created as the following screen shot:.This will create a new database with the name “ SchoolDB.db”in the same directory where you have copied your.Following is the basic syntax of sqlite3 command to create a database.After that we should select SQLite file and navigate where the sqlite3.exe is located by the following SQLite command line:.From the Installation and packages tutorial, you should now have created an SQLite folder in the “C” directory and copied the sqlite3.exe on it.The “cmd” will open in the default user folder, on my machine, it is “C:\Users\MGA”:.Open the Windows Command Line tool (cmd.exe) from the start, type “cmd” and open it.In this SQLite tutorial, here is how you can create a new database: Unlike other database management systems, there is no CREATE DATABASE command in SQLite. Create a database and populate it with tables from a file.SQLite CREATE Database in a Specific Location using Open.In this SQLite tutorial, you will learn how to access SQLite database and use it. We will jump start working on SQLite databases and tables directly. What you need is the SQLite library which is less than 500KB size. Unlike other database systems, there is no configuration, installation required to start working on an SQLite Open database.